Farm Diary

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13 hours ago

My favourite “on the go meal” is homemade burger and chips but they have to be one of our own burgers.
All our burgers are made using beef that has been reared on our own farm.

The Drumsleed Burger Co. is out at an event today cooking up some more of these tasty treats. We are planning on some local pop ups soon (once I finish harvest!) do keep an eye on our socials.
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My favourite “on the go meal” is homemade burger and chips but they have to be one of our own burgers. 
All our burgers are made using beef that has been reared on our own farm. 

The Drumsleed Burger Co. is out at an event today cooking up some more of these tasty treats. We are planning on some local pop ups soon (once I finish harvest!) do keep an eye on our socials.

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Surprised you fit in that cab the amount of quality control you carry out 🤣😋👍

I haven’t done a calf post for a wee while and I thought this one was topical.
We celebrated our twin daughter’s birthdays yesterday and these twin calves were born the day before.
Calves and mother are doing well.
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I haven’t done a calf post for a wee while and I thought this one was topical. 
We celebrated our twin daughter’s birthdays yesterday and these twin calves were born the day before. 
Calves and mother are doing well.

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What letter we on this year Doug!

Saw twin calves at Kinnell yesterday. they are beautiful.

We have a selection of bacon from Louise's Farm Kitchen in our fridge today 😍

🐷 Unsmoked Canadian Bacon
🐷 Black Treacle Bacon
🐷 Espresso Maplebacon

We also have a choice of pork and lamb cuts in the freezer too.
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We have a selection of bacon from Louises Farm Kitchen in our fridge today 😍

🐷 Unsmoked Canadian Bacon 
🐷 Black Treacle Bacon 
🐷 Espresso Maplebacon 

We also have a choice of pork and lamb cuts in the freezer too.

We live (and work) in such a beautiful part of the country. ... See MoreSee Less

We live (and work) in such a beautiful part of the country.

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Gorgeous Howe ‘o the Mearns

There is nowhere quite like it! 💕

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